Arugula seeds


Arugula seeds


Our own farm-grown Arugula (Eruca sativa) seeds for organic growing.

All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.

1 pkg (100+ seeds)

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Common Names
Arugula, Rocket, Roquette

Botanical Name
Eruca sativa (snyonym Brassica eruca) 

Plant Family
Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)

Life Cycle

Hardiness Zone
All zones.

Days Until Harvest

Basal leaves to 8" high. 

Full sun to part sun, well-drained fertile garden soil.

Germination Temp

Seeds germinate rapidly in 4-8 days. Arugula is best direct sown as transplanting can cause it to bolt. Arugula is a cool season crop that does best planted in early spring and then again in the fall. Thin seedlings to 6" apart, as over crowding can cause stress and cause bolting.

In the heat of summer the plants will bolt and the leaves can become uncomfortably pungent. Drought and sun stress can be avoided by watering plants regularly and growing in partial shade during the hot season.

Harvesting can be done by gathering outer leaves of plants individually, or with the use of scissors to gather all leaves at once. If latter method is used make sure to leave a few inches of green growth and water well to encourage new leaves to grow.

Culinary Uses
The leaves are quite mild when young and can be eaten fresh in salads. Very popular in its native Mediterranean, where it is commonly used in pizza and pasta dishes. The flowers and seed pods are also edible. High in Vitamin A & potassium. 

Medicinal Uses
Arugula is one of the oldest known aphrodisiacs. Like many other Mustard Family plants, Arugula is warming and increases circulation in the body.