Lomatium Seeds

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Lomatium Seeds


Our own farm-grown Lomatium (Lomatium nudicaule) seeds for organic growing.

All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.

1 pkg (approx 30-50 seeds)

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Common Names
Lomatium, Wild Celery, Indian Celery, Indian Consumption Plant, Barestem Desert Parsley, Barestem Biscuitroot

Botanical Name
Lomatium nudicaule

Plant Family
Umbellifereae (Carrot Family)

Native Range
Western Canada and US

Life Cycle

Hardiness Zone

The plants sprout up lovely slightly blue-green tinged leaves in the spring growing to 6-8" high. Tiny yellow flowers begin to open in cluster atop a sturdy umbel stem in May. The plants slowly transform in the summer months as the umbel rises upward like an open hand in offering. Through the month of June the tiny seeds, light green often tinged with maroon, swell to over a centimetre long and half as plump.

As with many other native plants, such as camas or nettle, the garden tended version can be quite remarkable in stature compared to the wild version. In the garden it is a delight to see the majestic umbels reaching upward to nearly 3ft tall.

Full sun. Prefers well-drained sandy soil.

Seeds are best direct sown in fall or early spring, they may also be started in flats indoors in spring.

Lomatium adapts to growing conditons in the garden but needs well-drained soil. It is extremely drought tolerant. Plants will die-back in winter.

The seeds are the medicinal part, and they can be harvested anytime in July and August. I like to pick them when the are big and plump and still green for medicine making. For viable seed it is best to wait until they are completely ripe and dry, papery and brown in colour.

Culinary Uses
The leaves have a celery-like flavour and can be used to flavour cooking. The seeds also have a culinary application as a flavouring.

Medicinal Uses
Lomatium has a rich, deep, and culturally significant history on the Coast where has been used for medicine and ceremonial purposes for thousands of years. Lomatium seeds have been traditionally used on the Coast as a preventative for colds, flus, tuberculosis, and other bacterial and viral infections.

Medicinally they are powerfully antiviral, antibacterial, diaphoretic and diuretic. They act as an immune stimulant and help to fight off infection at the onset of illness and speed up recover time. They help you to eliminate toxins through the channels of sweating and urination. The seeds are a warming digestive bitter that can increase digestive fire and stimulate appetite. Taken before menstruation Lomatium can help relieve bloating and promote menstrual flow.

The seeds can be prepared into a tincture, tea, syrup, infused into honey, or simply chewed as needed.

Native Plant Garden, Container Garden, Rock Garden, Apothecary Garden, Drought Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Deer Resistant, Attracts Pollinators.