Milky Oat Seeds

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Milky Oat Seeds

from CA$5.50

Our own farm-grown Milky Oat (Avena Sativa) seeds for organic growing.

All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.1 pkg (approx 30-50 seeds)

Bulk pkg (approx 120-200 seeds or 12g)

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Common Names
Milky Oats, Wild Oats

Botanical Name
Avena Sativa

Plant Family
Poaceae (Grass Family)

Native Range
Europe, Middle East

Life Cycle

Hardiness Zone
Annual. Zones 2-11. Can be planted in the fall to overwinter in zones 8 or warmer.

Grass crop growing to 4ft tall and 8"-1ft wide.

Full sun, regular garden soil.

Milky Oats are an annual crop that can be planted in the fall or early spring for maturity in the summer or fall. They are direct seeded in place in the garden in rows.

Oats are easy to grow and need little to no care.

For the strongest most medicinally active preparation, the oat seeds should to be in milky stage. To check for this, when squeezed the seed head will ooze a milky sap. The seed heads can be collected at this stage and tinctured fresh with high proof alcohol. It makes the most vibrant green tincture.

The leaves and stalks are when still green and dried to use as oat straw for tea or baths.

Culinary Uses
Milky Oats are the wild version of the cultivated food crop. 

Medicinal Uses
Fresh Milky Oat tops are one of the best remedies for strengthening and nourishing the nervous system. 
Taken over time the Milky Oats can help repair damaged nerves, and act as a trophorestorative to the nervous system. This is a great herb for people who are overworked or ‘wired and tired’. It is an especial good herb for folks who use stimulants or natural adrenalin stores to push themselves through the day, and may have a hard time ‘turning off’ at the end of the day (Skullcap is good here too).
Eating oats as a food is also good medicine for our nerves and very soothing and demulcent for our digestive tracts; plus incredibly high in minerals like calcium. Just be mindful that Oats contain a similar protein to gluten, so some folks may be sensitive. A strong decoction of Oats can be added to the bath for the treatment of neuralgia and skin rashes. Cooked or powdered oats can also be added to baths for soothing the most intense of skin irritations and itching.

Apothecary Garden, Attracts Pollinators, Container Garden.