Nootka Rose Seeds


Nootka Rose Seeds


Our own farm-grown Nootka Rose (Rosa nutkana) seeds for organic growing.

All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.

1 pkg (approx 20-30 seeds) 

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Common Names
Nootka Rose, Wild Rose

Botanical Name
Rosa nutkana

Plant Family
Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native Range
PNW, native to coastal areas from Alaska to California.

Life Cycle

Hardiness Zone

Multi-stemmed desciduous shrub. Grows to about 4 or 5ft tall, 3ft wide and spreading to form patches by underground shoots. 

Easy to grow and will tolerate a variety of conditions. Prefers full to part sun and moist soil. In the wild, Nootka Rose is common along forest edges, sunny fields, hedgerows, moist ditches, and farm fields.

The seeds germinate more easily when sown in fall, either outside in flats or directly in place. They also do fine started in the spring and then transplanted out once they are big enough.

Roses can be pruned in the dormant season to keep plants tidy.

Wild rose explodes into bloom the second week of May and continues to bloom for the next few weeks depending on the weather. A hard rain or intense spell of heat can both cut the harvest period tragically short. The petals can be harvested and the centre of the flower left on the plant, this will later swell and turn red and become the rose fruit, or ‘hip’. The petals and flower buds are best used fresh, they loose their properties quite rapidly when dried, only keeping their colour and scent for a few months.

The leaves can be harvested through out the bloom period and well into summer and fall. They become more bitter and astringent as the season progresses.

The hips form in the fall and are ready to harvest in late September and October. The cool dampness of November onward in the PNW will often cause the hips to go mouldy before we get a frost the sweeten them. The hips can be used fresh or dried in a dehydrator or oven on low.

Culinary Uses
Rose hips are high in vitamin C and can be made into syrups, jams, jellies, or dried for tea. Rose petals and leaves are edible as well.

Medicinal Uses
The buds and open flowers of rose contain volatile oils that are soothing and uplifting and aid to relieve states of depression and broken-heartedness.

The hips are extremely high in vitamin C and help us to stay healthy in the winter, fight off colds and flus, keep regular and absorb our iron intake.

The leaves are fragrant of rose scent and act as a gentle astringent to help tighten tissues. All plant parts can be used to treat diarrhea, bed wetting, and frequent urination.

Native Plant Garden, Woodland Garden, Drought Tolerant, Attracts Pollinators, Deer Resistant, Apothecary Garden, Low Maintenance.