Sea Holly Seeds

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Sea Holly Seeds


Our own farm-grown Sea Holly (Eryngium planum) seeds for organic growing.

All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.

1 pkg (40+ seeds)

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Common Names
Sea Holly, Blue Sea Holly, Plains Eryngo, Blue Eryngo

Botanical Name
Eryngium planum

Plant Family
Asteraceae (Daisy Family)

Native Range
Central and South America

Life Cycle

Hardiness Zone
Zones 3-11

Very decorative plants sport blueish-green leaves with silvery veins. Spiky blue flowers from June though Sept. 2ft tall.

Full sun, well-drained soil.

Seeds germinate best when direct seeded outdoors in spring or fall. The plants develop a tap root quite quickly and don’t do well when transplanted.

Plants may be cut back in fall time. Extremely drought tolerant. Plants do best is full sun and hot dry conditions, this isn’t a plant for moist shady areas.

The aerial parts are harvested during the blooming period.

Culinary Uses

Medicinal Uses
Sea Holly has a long history of use in the traditional herbal medicine of Europe. Primarily used as a diuretic, emmenagogue, and digestive aid.

Other Uses
Commonly used in fresh and dried flower arrangements

Attractive to pollinators.

Apothecary Garden, Low Maintenance, Drought Tolerant, Deer Resistant, Attracts Pollinators, Cut Flowers.