Tansy Seeds


Tansy Seeds


Our own farm-grown Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) seeds for organic growing.

All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.

1 pkg (approx 100+ seeds)

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Common Names
Common Tansy, Tansy

Botanical Name
Tanacetum vulgare

Plant Family
Asteraceae (Daisy Family)

Native Range

Life Cycle

Hardiness Zone

3-5ft tall and 2-3ft wide. Finely divided leaves and sturdy flower stalks with large clusters of golden-yellow button-like flowers.

Full sun to part sun, well-drained soil. Extremely drought tolerant.

The seeds germinate easily and can be direct sown in spring or fall. They may also be started in flats and transplanted out.

Needs little to no care. The plant have a tendency to spread by seeds, the flower stalks can be cut back to prevent self-seeding.

The aerial parts are harvested during the blooming period.

Culinary Uses
In the past Tansy was used as a popular culinary herb to flavour breads and meats. It is not really used in modern times due to the belief that it is toxic. Though why it is considered highly toxic remains a mystery to me, I suspect it may be due to people confusing it with Tansy Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) a weed that has caused issues to grazing livestock. The other reason that Tansy may be thought to be toxic is that it contains the volatile oil thujone. It is true that thujone is known as a neurotoxin in large doses, but when taken in whole plant extracts, and the very small doses that they contain, is not known to cause issues. Thujone is also found in Garden Sage, Thyme, Yarrow, Mugwort, Wormwood, Tarragon, Rosemary, and many other herbs which are ingested without concern. That being said, more research is needed, so use caution if taking internally. If it make you feel funny, stop taking it.

Medicinal Uses
The essential oil of Tansy as well as the infused oil, are strongly anti-inflammatory and commonly used in skin care products. The oil and liniment are also useful for varicose veins; and used topically for lice, fleas, and mites. Internally it is used as an anti-parasitic to expel tapeworms and pinworms; and as a anti-rheumatic, digestive aid and emmenagogue.

Other Uses

Tansy is a helpful companion plant in veggie gardens, attracting beneficial insects and repelling pests.

The flowers produce a yellow dye.

Tansy is an attractive cut flower.

Apothecary Garden, Low Maintenance, Drought Tolerant, Deer Resistant, Attracts Pollinators, Container Garden, Cut Flowers.