Calendula Salve Recipe

Calendula makes a wonderful all-purpose salve for your home remedies kit. It is soothing and healing to the skin, and indispensable for chapped lips and hands, wind or sun burnt skin, scrapes and bruises, and scar prevention. Calendula is anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, vulnerary, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial.



  • 25g dried whole Calendula officinalis flowers

  • 200ml extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil.

  • 20g natural beeswax, grated (if using coconut oil, reduce to 15g)

Step 1: Infuse the oil

In a blender combine whole calendula flowers, organic oil, and vitamin E or poplar bud oil. Blend until combined. If using a Vitamix continue blending for about 5 minutes or until oil mixture becomes quite warm, then strain through muslin to remove plant material from the oil. If using a regular blender or food processor, pour blended oil mixture into a double boiler and gently warm for 4-6hrs to infuse, then strain.

 Step 2: Add the beeswax

Place the strained herbal oil in double boiler and warm gently. Add the grated beeswax stirring occasionally until dissolved.

 Step 4: Fill the jars

Pour warmed salve into clean, dry glass jars and seal.

Always label your jars! Every label should include the common and latin name of the herb used, the type of oils used and other ingredients, where the salve was made or where the herbs were gathered, the month and year.

Salves made from dried herbs keep a minimum of 2 years if left out of direct sunlight.