Rosemary & Yarrow herbal liniment recipe

Herbal liniments are great to have on hand in your herbal first-aid kit or home medicine cabinet. They are used topically and can be formulated to provide instant relief from many common ailments.

This recipe for Rosemary & Yarrow Herbal Healing Liniment will make a great multi-purpose liniment to have on hand for yourself, and your family and friends. Rosemary and yarrow combined in liniment form make an excellent remedy for achy joints, inflamed muscles, nerve pain, wounds, bruises, swelling, inflammation and sprains. 

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the areas it is applied. It helps to relieve arthritis, sciatica, and achy over-worked muscles. Rosemary is known to speed healing of wounds and bruises, and reduce cramping. The liniment or essential oil, when applied to wrists or temples can help to soothe anxiety, depression, migraines, and tension. 

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is one of the best wound healing herbs that can be found in the garden. It is astringent and anti-bacterial and can stop bleeding very effectively. Yarrow is soothing to rashes, itching, and other skin irritations. It is anti-inflammatory for muscle aches and arthritis. The liniment can also be used as a chest rub to relieve congestion.

Yarrow (Achillea officinalis)

Yarrow (Achillea officinalis)

Rosemary & Yarrow


25g fresh rosemary leaves removed from stems
25g fresh yarrow leaves and flowers
100ml isopropanol alcohol (rubbing alcohol)


1) Harvest and chop fresh herbs into very fine pieces. Harvesting is best done in early morning if possible. If you do not have access to fresh herbs, then dried herbs are ok to substitute. Use 10g each of dried rosemary and yarrow to replace the fresh herb amounts in this recipe.

2) Place herbs in a clean glass jar. If using fresh herbs, the jar may be quite full and you may need to stuff the herbs in a bit. 

3) Measure out the rubbing alcohol pour over herbs. You’ll want the herbs to be submerged under the alcohol. Pressing them down with a utensil can help, or you may wish to add a small amount more of the alcohol to cover. Secure jar with a tight-fitting lid.

4) Place the jar in cupboard or out of direct sunlight to infuse. When using dried herbs you will need to shake the jar daily, fresh herbs do not need to be shaken.

5) After 3-4 weeks, strain the herbs out using cheesecloth or muslin and discard the spent herb material. Pour the liniment into dark glass bottles. Roll-on bottles, or bottles with spray tops work well for applying liniments.

Make sure to label the liniment for “External Use Only”, and list ingredients used and date made. Herbal liniments are very easy to make, and when properly stored in a cool dark place will keep for many years, almost indefinitely.

To use: gently rub onto skin and allow to evaporate. Can be applied several times a day, use as often as needed.